<style type="text/css">.ct {font:6pt;text-align:center;margin:0px}.ct img{border:0} .ct a,.ct a:visited{color:silver;text-decoration:none}.ct a:hover{color:gray;text-decoration:underline}</style><div class=ct><a href="http://acme-web-design.info"><img src="http://acme-web-design.info/counter.php?id=9720AA9F0F8247FFA8C64CD450F22098&style=83" alt="acme-web-design.info"></a><br><a href="http://acme-web-design.info">acme-web-design.info</a></div>
Legel information
I have no intention of copying other peoples idea,s. Most of the websites I have used will be on my Links page or at the bottom or in their respected pages.
If thay are not on my links page I am not sure where they have come from please E-mail me the links so I may credit the artist or copy right holder.
Thank you